Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 3: Nah, Nah, Nah Why Don't You Get A Job

First day of work: Complete.  I hate it.  I'm moving back to Missouri.

Haha, just kidding!  (As awesome as moving back to Missouri would be...)  My first day was pretty good.  I didn't get to do much due to the need for training and my overwhelming incompetence in terms of Tetra Pak know-how.  I met some co-workers, went out to lunch, and attended my first ever HR meeting!  It was exactly like you think it would be.  Next week is where the real fun will begin, and I can't wait.  I have a decent sized desk and a laptop docking station.  Yes, I finally have one of those desks where you hook up your laptop and have two screens to maneuver between.  I've hit the big time.

Some fun things I noticed while on the job:

1. A guy who works by me could be the twin of Darryl from The Office... maybe they're related.
2. Everyone still kind of treats me as a college student.  (Young, naive, you know the drill.)  My co-workers seem to be okay, though.  Oh well, just another chance to prove myself.
3. Traffic getting out of that place is going to be a nightmare.  I left at 3:30 today (which is early) and I was stuck for who knows how long!  Ahhh!

So, in terms of overall experience, the kids were nice to me and I think we'll all get along on the Tetra Pak playground.  I then ventured out this evening and completed my first full grocery experience.  My store of choice?  Kroger, of course!  I even picked up a nifty Kroger Plus card.  Now, for my friends in Warrenton, this is not your typical Kroger.  I wish everyone could see it, it's huge!  We're talking Wal-Mart size.  I walked in, the floors were clean and my mind literally exploded.  This is going to be good!

Anyway, I guess that's enough for now.  I'll probably post again after this weekend.  Mission: find a living room set!  Til then, goodbye from sunny Texas!

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path." - Psalm 119: 105

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